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Alpine Ontario

Alpine Ontario Alpin, together with its provincial partners, is affiliated directly with Alpine Canada, Canada’s national body for ski racing. We are the parent organisation to 4 regional divisions in Ontario: National Capital Division (NCD)Lake Superior Division (LSDA)Northern Ontario Division (NOD) and Southern Ontario Division (SOD). Each division governs their regional clubs; there are 40 registered clubs from the four divisions.

Our headquarters are based in Collingwood. We have a full time office staff dedicated to operations, administration, communications and athletic and technical development, as well as a staff of up to six highly qualified coaches on staff working with the Ontario Ski Team. The organisation as a whole is governed by an elected independent Board of Directors.

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Alpine Canada (ACA)

Alpine Canada is the national governing body for alpine, para-alpine and ski cross racing in Canada. With the support of valued corporate partners along with the Government of Canada, Own the Podium and the Canadian Olympic Committee, Alpine Canada develops Olympic, Paralympic, world championship and World Cup medallists to stimulate visibility, inspiration and growth in the ski community. 

Canadian Ski Instructors Alliance (C.S.I.A.)

Founded in 1938 and incorporated in 1949 as a not-for-profit organization, the CSIA is the professional ski teaching body in Canada. It is a federally recognized teaching institution and it trains and certifies ski instructors to best serve its partners such as ski schools and the Canadian skiing public.

Canada has six CSIA regions: British Columbia, Alberta, Central, Ontario, Quebec, and Atlantic — each represented on the Board of Directors. The six members of the National Board of Directors conduct the affairs and business of the CSIA. Regional affairs and member services are addressed through Regional Committees, who are serving regional needs through member newsletters, regional events and Level 1 Courses.